Building An Organization
My role as director of the Coe Volunteer Clearinghouse was to create its identity, all materials, develop the organizational and operational structure, and promote the organization and services to the Coe community and Cedar Rapids community at large. The CVC was a free service created by the college to help link students and student groups with volunteer opportunities in the Cedar Rapids community.
This new organization fell under Student Life. I created everything for this new agency, from the name and logo to the brochure and all forms, and the actual structure and operations. What you see here is only a few examples of the visual materials that were created.
CVC Brochure
The brochure was developed to launch the CVC to the campus community as well as the surrounding community of Cedar Rapids.

Forms, Organization, and Public Relations
The development of the forms not only provided the physical forms themselves but laid the groundwork for the overall structure of the CVC. See examples of the CVC forms that were created.
While mailings were sent out to local organizations in the community and campus organizations, small informational meetings were held to introduce the CVC to the general student body.