The Legend Of Lenticular Labels
Looking to add a licensed property that might also help to pull younger and older demographic targets, Nintendo® was chosen as a hot but relatively stable license. The games add an additional dimension of interactivity and life-like dimension. Resurrecting older, little-used tools, relatively inexpensive modifications were made, visually creating an entirely new product to most people’s eyes, to liven up the box and create a labeling area.
We again went after something unique and new to school boxes to capture the essence of the games. Lenticular labels utilize special digital printing and a plastic lens to create 3-D images and even animation where parts of the image appear to move or change. The photo here is unable to recreate the effect of this technology, but you have probably seen similar treatments on boxes at your local video rental or as POP in your local grocery store or fast food restaurant.
Nintendo® Assortment
We launched with some of the biggest Nintendo game brands at the time, including Mario Kart 64™, The Legend of Zelda™, Banjo-Kazooie, & Donkey Kong 64.

The Legend of Zelda™ is a TM & © 2003 Nintendo. All rights reserved.
Mario Kart 64™ is a TM & © 2003 Nintendo. All rights reserved.
Banjo-Kazooie & Donkey Kong 64 games © 2003 Nintendo/Rare. Games by