Leadership from Lambda Chi Alpha

LCA leadership

Weakest Link

The role of a president in a fraternity is not unlike running a division of a company, having to report to those above you and having to lead and manage those below you.

A good president also knows that the strength of the organization is based on the excellence of the officers and the moral of the general membership. Below are two examples of tools I created to build the strength of our chapter during my term as president of the fraternity.

Officer Training

Within each chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha, the group of officers is called the High Zeta.

As president, High Alpha, I felt my primary responsibility was to help my High Zeta team be the best they could be… truly believing that a strong leader surrounds himself with even stronger supporters.

I compiled this manual to help condense many of the things I had learned over the years into one piece that could help strengthen my team and hopefully, those who followed. It was used as a guide for a one-day learning and strategic planning retreat, thereby teaching new skills and putting them to immediate use.

Not surprisingly, those skills that I felt were valuable for my fraternity team, are the same skills I seek for myself and my work teams today… creative thinking and idea generation, building positive habits, creating a strong belief window, developing leadership, team building, planning, developing problem-solving skills and tools (Cause & Effect analysis, check sheets, NGT, flowcharts, Force Field Analysis), effective meeting skills, and of course, stress management.

This manual was developed for a day-long officer retreat training that I created and presented.

High Alpha Award

This award was created as a way for the chapter president to recognize members for outstanding excellence.

High Alpha Award