
Netconcepts logo

From 0 to 60 with one of the leading natural search marketing firms around. As Lead Consultant & Natural Search Marketing Strategist at Netconcepts, I found a role that features many of the things I love the most.

Agency Transition

Along with my own business, Identity Developments, this is where I currently hang my hat. Netconcepts is a leading natural search marketing firm that started and evolved down a very similar path that my own business has, from web design to SEO. The difference in part is timing, as Netconcepts started in 1995 or what may well be labeled as the birth of the web we know and love today. As they say, timing is everything.

For me, Netconcepts has become the “ying” to my “yang,” the “in” to my “yo” or in American terms, the peanut butter to my jelly…okay, not exactly. But Netconcepts serves as a wonderful balance by fulfilling the other end of the spectrum with a major focus on ecommerce for big-name online retail brands.

Whirlwind Tour

Netconcepts has also provided an incredible, non-stop progression. I moved through four positions in a little over a year, from:

  • Natural Search Program Manager
  • Natural Search Analyst
  • Natural Search Consultant
  • Lead Consultant & Natural Search Marketing Strategist

While it has meant less focus on web design (fortunately still have my own sites and Identity Developments to fill that), it has provided immensely for some of the other areas that are most near and dear to my heart:

  • Consulting
  • Teaching
  • Development of Methodology
  • Structure & Organizational Development
  • Constant and ever-present need for continual learning
  • Additional opportunities for speaking & writing on a subject I am passionate about.