One Thing After Another
In many ways, life in Lambda Chi Alpha was a journey of one event after another. The chapter was truly a leader on campus and within the community. Throughout the year, there were several philanthropic and fund development events, as well as faculty & staff receptions, and the occasional party.
While the samples here help demonstrate some of the visual promotion created for the events, much more falls under this category such as project management, media relations, risk management, securing sponsorships, etc.
The samples within this section are primarily simple posters, table tents, and other pieces. Of particular interest is the sub-section for the annual Volleyball Marathon.
Volleyball Marathon
A Lot Of Volleyball For A Lot Of Cause
Toys for Tanager, highway cleanup, Beach Party, pumpkin carving at St. Luke’s hospital… the list goes on.
No event however was greater and more complex than the annual Volleyball Marathon, the largest philanthropic event the chapter undertook. 24 hours of volleyball, open to the campus and community, to raise money for local charities. While every event involved every member in some way, nothing took more involvement and leadership than serving as High Beta, vice-president, who was in charge of this event.
The vice president, responsible for fund development, philanthropy, membership involvement, and public relations, was by far the most demanding position, which several other chapters actually split into two positions.
VBM involved every aspect of event planning… risk assessment and action plans, public relations, fundraising and development programs, sponsor recruitment, community involvement, etc.
I served in this role during my freshman year. Along with everything else that went into this event, what follows are just a few of the literature pieces created for this event. Being relatively self-taught in desktop publishing, I not only created the pieces during my term but the following two years as well… luckily my skill set as well as software improved over the years.
North American Food Drive
The NAFD was a new national-based philanthropic event, created in 1994.
Dr. Gonzo’s B-Day Party
Dr. Gonzo was the chapter’s mascot… actually the torso and head, no arms, of a male mannequin with a curly wig for his hair.
Here is a sign welcoming those to the party and explaining the policies and handling of alcohol. LCA was one of the leaders in the development of risk management policies and became an excellent training ground for event planning and risk assessment.